Jewish High Holidays are almost here!
The Jewish High Holiday season begings sundown Friday, September 15, 2023 and goes through October 8, 2023 (ends with Simchat Torah).
Are you a Shofar blower? I am and enjoy blowing the Shofar during Elul, which we are now experiencing. Why should we try to hear the Shofar during the month of Elul? Hearing the Shofar helps to "wake" us up and prepare ourselves for the High Holidays.
Of course we all love the Shofar service during Rosh HaShannah service. I certainly delight in watching the children's faces of joy as they hear the Shofar. At the end of Yom Kiuppur we all are always so happy to here the long blast of the Shofar (Tekiah Gedolah) and midrash tells us that it means "go and eat!"
I love wearing my embroidered shofar kippah. I also make Shofar earrings and pendants. And of course, I have Shofars featured on some High Holiday challah covers.
checkout the Shofar kippot and other Shofar items here (I am taking Bucharian orders but we are working on the embroidery Bucharian kippah page).
L'Shalom, Kate Rachel Lozier