
  • Happy Thanksgiving!

    I am thankful and grateful for all of my customers and supporters!  I wish you all a wonderful, peaceful and delicious Thanksgiving! With gratitude,  Kate Rachel Lozier 

  • Brighten Up Your Home with Handmade Quilted Goods:  A Touch of Comfort and Joy!

    Brighten Up Your Home with Handmade Quilted Goods: A Touch of Comfort and Joy!

     I have created a wonderful line of Quilted Home Goods, full of functionality, color, and uniqueness.  Quilted Table Mats:  My Quilted table mats are decorative and functional items used to protect a table surface from heat and spills.  I have...

  • New Kippahs including Tulane  University and All you need is Love!

    New Kippahs including Tulane University and All you need is Love!

    Hi from a stormy Durham NC!  I am sure many of you are experiencing intense weather this Summer.  While we need rain, the torrential downpours cause flooding here.   l finally was able to obtain Tulane University fabric!        The...

  • What is New --- updated web site!

    Shalom Y'all!! I have updated the web site to a new theme that I think will make shopping easier for all of you!  Plus now the web site speed is zippity quick!  We have updated some of our products to...

  • NBA and the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs!

    NBA and the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs!

    Which team are you supporting to win the NBA playoffs The Boston Celtics or The Dallas Mavericks?    Which team are you supporting to win the NBA playoffs The Boston Celtics or The Dallas Mavericks?   These make a great Father's...